Hock Chye is the Managing Partner of Rajah & Tann (Laos) Co., Ltd and a Consultant in Christopher & Lee Ong’s Real Estate Practice Group. He has been in legal practice for over 28 years.

Hock Chye has represented clients in negotiating and preparing banking and security documentation, negotiating and documenting acquisition and disposal of real property, businesses and shares in corporations and advising joint venture partners and shareholders on the structure of their transactions. He is also a dual-qualified lawyer in Singapore and Malaysia.

Hock Chye is listed as a Notable Practitioner by IFLR1000 for Banking and Real Estate Acquisition, as well as a Notable Practitioner for Real Estate Industry. He is also listed as a Leading Lawyer for Real Estate by Chambers Asia-Pacific.

He is described as a lawyer who is “well placed to advise clients on high-value development projects”. Clients of the Firm notes “his advice is always succinct and focused, highlighting risks” and “that he is “very careful and concise in his explanations. He is very quick in his summarizing.


Real Estate and Construction

  • Advising and assisting a well-known and established Chinese construction company in respect of the development, procurement, construction, and completion of four hospitals or specialist centres located in Terengganu, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, and Kelantan.
  • Lead solicitor to a Malaysian developer with a diverse portfolio in property development in connection to the development of its newest luxurious integrated development which consists of residential, commercial and retail components.
  • Representing a wholly owned subsidiary of Malaysian property developer in connection to the residential component of the Quill City Integrated development which comprise of offices, retail mall and residential building, located in Kuala Lumpur’s Golden Triangle.
  • Acted for Nusajaya Consolidated Sdn Bhd (“Nusajaya”), a wholly owned subsidiary of UM Land Berhad. Nusajaya is the developer of Somerset Puteri Harbour in Iskandar. As part of the sale of the units in the development, Nusajaya appointed Ascott International Management (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd (“Ascott”) to provide management services, and to operate the development as serviced residences. Acted for Nusajaya in the sale and leaseback of the units, and in the management agreement with Ascott.
  • Acted for MDIS Malaysia Sdn Bhd (“MDIS”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Management Development Institute of Singapore. MDIS acquired a piece of vacant land of about 30 acres from Education@Iskandar Sdn Bhd (“EISB”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Iskandar Investment Berhad, to construct a campus thereon. MDIS expect that the total investment will be in the region of RM 300 million.
  • Acted for a prominent family on the distribution of the estate of the deceased patriarch of the family, which involved the transfer and exchange of real properties and interests in real properties between the beneficiaries of the estate.
  • Acted for SEB Investment GmbH, a German fund, in its acquisition of one block of residential units at KL Pavilion, and the subsequent sale of the units thereafter.
  • Acted for Quill Realty Sdn Bhd in its sale of QB 7, a building located at KL Sentral to a special purpose company.
  • Acted for the proprietors in a joint venture with Sunrise Benchmark Sdn Bhd (“Sunrise”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Sunrise Berhad, whereby the proprietors allowed Sunrise to develop the land held under Geran 1794 Lot 1873 Mukim Batu District of Kuala Lumpur.
  • Acted for the proprietors in a joint venture with Lucky Bright Star Sdn Bhd (“Lucky”), a wholly owned subsidiary of Sunrise Berhad, whereby the proprietors allowed Lucky to develop the land held under GM3212, Lot No. 1871, in the Mukim of Batu, Tempat Sungei Teba, Daerah Kuala Lumpur.

Banking & Finance

  • Advised in relation to corporate restructuring of a listed highway operator which included a renounceable rights issue of redeemable convertible unsecured loan stocks, the reduction in the existing issued and paid-up share capital of the company via cancellation of RM0.25 of the par value of each existing share of the company, the acquisition of a private entity and the issuance of redeemable convertible unsecured loan stocks.
  • Negotiated and prepared banking and security documentation, including those related to aircraft financing, ship mortgages, project financing, raising capital by the issue of promissory notes and bonds, issue of certificates of deposits by financial institutions, custodian agreements, interest and currency swap agreements and loan syndications.
  • Advised financial institutions on collateralised loan facilities to borrowers. The firm was one of the pioneers in Malaysia in assisting a leading bank in Malaysia which offered collateralised loan facilities to borrowers.
  • Advised in relation to RM 100 million Al-Murabahah Commercial Papers/Medium Term Notes to finance the various government contracts awarded to the Issuer.

Corporate Commercial

  • Advising and assisting a Malaysian facility management company with the acquisition of a manufacturing company in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • Advised an IT company in its successful listing on the Bursa Malaysia.
  • Acted as Malaysian legal adviser to companies in Singapore, with assets in Malaysia, wishing to list on the Singapore Exchange Securities Trading Limited.
  • Represented Inter Mark Resources Sdn Bhd (a reputable operator of successful F&B franchises in Malaysia) in acquiring a 100% share capital of A&W Malaysia Sdn Bhd from Restoran Kualiti Sdn Bhd.
  • Assisting and representing a Malaysian publicly-listed palm oil and plantations company in a bidding process for the potential sale of a number of its subsidiaries, consisting of palm oil and rubber companies in Malaysia and Indonesia. The divestment of its assets is as part of the company’s rationalisation plans, against a backdrop of a challenging operating environment.
  • Acted for Albedo Limited (“Albedo”), a company listed on SGX. Albedo intend to acquire from Infinite Rewards Inc. the entire issued share capital of certain special purpose vehicles which hold land in Iskandar, valued in the region of S$770 million.
  • Acted for Sara-Timur Urban Development Sdn Bhd (“STUD”) in a joint venture with Perbadanan Menteri Besar Kelantan (“PMBK”) and Tunjung Development Corporation Sdn Bhd (“TDC”). STUD funded the acquisition by PMBK of certain land in the outskirts of Kota Baru measuring about 40 acres. After the acquisition was completed, STUD commenced construction of and is currently undertaking a mixed development with a GDV of RM 800 million. In consideration for allowing STUD to carry out the development on the land, STUD will also give to PMBK or TDC certain office units/shop units in the development.


  • Member, Malaysian Bar
  • Member, Singapore Bar


Practice Area(s)


  • LL.B (Hons), National University of Singapore
  • Advocate & Solicitor, Singapore
  • Advocate & Solicitor, High Court of Malaya

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